After a few weeks of living without a 3d accelerated X server, I’ve finally got it resolved.
# m-a a-i nvidia-kernel # depmod -ae # apt-get install nvidia-glx
Then edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to use the nvidia driver inplace of nv.
I’ve also upgraded Carla’s machine to the new Ubuntu last night/this morning. At this rate, I might even fix my keymap too!
Edit: I should add that I’d pegged my kernel to 2.6.16 because I hadn’t found the newer releases of ivtv for my Tuner card, and as I was using a debian binary kernel, but had upgraded everything else, including gcc, it complained everytime I tried to fix it. Apparently the solution was open my eyes, breath a little, relax, and let it do it’s thing properley. The above really isn’t that magical.